


The Institute for Research on Inclusive Education, Faculty of Education,  Masaryk University


Musicians Education

The company continues on from the former music and cultural centre Bandista, which is still associated with Jan Winkler and his projects. For example, MUSICIANS 2018 INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COURSES – see:


KVARK Soul creations studio

We support and arrange for the artistic and other expressive work of adults who have experience with psychotherapeutic, psychological, psychiatric or special education, promotion and presentation of these, community meetings, multidisciplinary and dialogical approaches. We provide regular professional art and art therapy guidance of clients in groups and individually.



Ruka pro život (Hand for Life) – Day care centre in Brno Božetěchova


Center Domov bez zámku in Náměšť nad Oslavou (funded organization)


Kamélie center based in Křižanov (funded organization)

Exhibition project The Secret of the Soul

In cooperation with Dr. Pavel Sochor Ph.D.

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Presentation of creations

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Presentation of artwork

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Presentation of photos

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Art Centers Abroad:


Kaarisilta r.y. is a private association, providing specialized social and educational services. Close to the city of Lahti, it maintains an art and activity center for physically and/or mentally disabled young people. The ideological principles of Kaarisilta are based on ethic and esthetic values, respect of life and each person’s individuality. Our core activities are visual arts, crafts, music, drama, sports and all-round education. Teaching is mainly organized in groups, always taking into account the preferences and eventual limitations of each individual involved in the activities. At Kaarisilta, our students have the opportunity to enjoy many different sports. Games and exercise take place in our gym and outdoors. The facilities also include a swimming hall and riding stables. Daily exercising and taking part in versatile chores, such as gardening and domestic work, helps to maintain and improve the fitness and health of our students.   In 2003, vocational cultural education was included to the Kaarisilta activities. Our three year study program has two line options, music and visual arts. Every other year we also take in new students for one year prestudies to learn necessary skills to enter the vocational education program. Lahti Region Educational Consortium is our administrative cooperation partner in vocational training.  Kaarisilta Association organizes seminars and cultural events: concerts, art exhibitions and drama. Concert and theatrical performances abroad have brought our choir and acting group international visibility. Our cultural ambassadors have performed on tours in Italy and Japan, and their next trip will be to France in October 2006. Art exhibitions take place regularly, in Finland and abroad.


INUTI (Sweden)

The Foundation Inuti runs a daily activity center according to LSS, the law of support and service for some disabled persons. We work with artistically talented individuals with intellectual disabilities and individuals within the autismspectrum. Inuti has four studios in the center of Stockholm. Inuti Lilla Essingen and Inuti Södermalm with a closeby projectstudio, PS2 (projectstudio 2) and Inuti Västerbroplan. We believe that each and every one should have the opportunity to work within their capacity and develop at their own pace. Respect for artistic and personal freedom is important to us. We want to offer a possibility for human and artistic growth through concentrated work – in a creative and allowing atmosphere. In the studios we work with painting, sculpture, textile, graphic art, photo, installations, performances and more – with professional artistic guidance. Within our studios, artists and staff together run two social cooperatives. Regular meetings and work within the cooperatives and the daily activity centers create a platform for participation and assure a democratic structure. We constantly seek new creative forms with all the artists and their deepening artistic expression. Inuti-artists have possibilities to show their art at different chosen occasions and thereby meet an audience. Art is communication. Inuti runs an outreaching activity, with exhibitions, projects and workshops. We often work together with professional artists and artisans, artinstitutions and museums. We aim to interact in society and cultural life through artevents, arranged by us or others. We are part of European Outsider Art Association (EOA), as well as a Nordic network and other national networks. Our big international network opens new doors to the world around us. It enables travelling and exchanges between the members. Inuti also has an art gallery, Inuti Galleri, and an art collection, Inuti Collection, containing more than 400 interesting pieces of art made at the Inuti studios. The collection is unique in its kind in Sweden. The art in the collection is regularly exhibited and is also available at our homepage as well as for research.

This is a summary of our aims:

  • The possibility to grow as an independent and responsible being and develop as an artist in an understanding and creative atmosphere.
  • Development on a personal plain through concentrated work both individually and in a group under qualified artistic guidance.
  • A fullfilling daily activity with respect for each individual.


ITE MUSEUM (Finland)

ITE – Contemporary Folk Art Museum (ITE Museum) in Finland is a museum dedicated to visual contemporary folk art. It’s specialized with Finnish contemporary folk art, called ITE art. The letters I-T-E mean ”Itse Tehty Elämä” = ”Self Made Life”. The ITE Museum shares its premises with the K.H.Renlund Museum in Kokkola. The ITE Museum’s management structure is unique in that the museum’s operations are administered jointly by the Provincial Museum of Central Ostrobothnia and the Union for Rural Culture and Education. The museum was opened in 2001. In the beginning it was a part of the Folk Arts Centre in Kaustinen. Since 2009 the ITE museum has been a department of the Provencial Museum of Central Ostrobotnia in Kokkola. The museum is partly funded by the Finnish Ministry of Culture. The areas of operation for the ITE Museum have been defined as research, collecting, archiving, publishing and exhibiting of contemporary folk art. The main activities of the museum are run together with the Union for Rural Culture and Education, a nation-wide culture organization, which launched the first ITE art project in 1997, for mapping Finnish contemporary folk art. During the three-year survey (1998–2000), over 300 Finnish creators of visual contemporary folk art were discovered. New projects appear continuously, with the purpose to survey systematically all the ITE artists throughout the country. At the moment ITE projects has covered more than half of the country. The first ITE art exhibition was held in 2000 in the Folk Arts Centre in Kaustinen. Since then exhibitions have been organised every year, touring in different art museums in Finland. The national breakthrough was the exhibition In Another World in the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in Helsinki in 2005. Works by ITE artists have been exhibited also widely abroad – in London, Paris, Moscow, Budapest, Tallinn, Bratislava, Randers, Stockholm, Gothenburg etc. There are also plenty of books published on this art form by the publisher Maahenki. The ITE Museum was the main organiser of the Culture 2000 project during 2002–2004, together with partners from Finland, Estonia, Italy, Hungary and UK. ITE Museum was also involved with the EU funded project Outsider Art Past Forward durin 201 –2012; main organiser was Outsider Art Museum Gaia, Randers, Denmark.



Conceived of as an exhibition site for the art form Art Brut, museum gugging displays the works of the Gugging artists at their place of origin and at the same time functions as a forum for international Art Brut as well as contemporary art in general. French painter Jean Dubuffet, who coined the term Art Brut, meant by it “sophisticated, raw, original art” of a highly personal and unadapted form of expression. Uninhibited by trends in established art, Art Brut is created by artists without any background in academics or art theory. The museum’s standing exhibition displays master pieces from the Private Foundation – Gugging Artists on an area of 840 sq yd. The exhibitions about the art from Gugging, from 1960 to the present, include important works and offer a comprehensive overview of the history and presence or artistic activity in Gugging. The second half of the museum is a venue for changing exhibitions. Works by international Art Brut artists are prevalent here next to art from Gugging. Furthermore, other artistic positions enter into dialogue with Art Brut.
