Petr Kolař

Petr KOlař

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Petr was born in 2001 and currently lives and works in Brno. Due to his disability he attended and graduated from the School for Autism in Brno. He is now a student of the Elpis Practical School. His family and his friends, whom he is dependent on, are a big support for him. His family tries to develop his talent and thus partially compensate for his handicaps.

He found his way to painting at a very young age. From birth he began to perceive the world around him in colours. At the age of three he recognized all the colours and had a positive relationship with them. In time, he painted his first large-scale painting on the white wall of his room, after which his bedroom turned into a space full of nature, bushes, flowers and bubbles. Peter notices the smallest things and movements with great attention. He enjoys watering flowers, observing the wind, the movement of trees, the rain, and so on.

Petr has been communicating his experiences, dreams and wishes for years in unrepeatable narratives through his paintings, drawings and paintings.

He has a unique gift of being able to perceive the world around himself in a very specific way. With his drawing and painting he expresses both emotions and his inner self more than through words. The artist’s paintings and drawings show the richness of his fantastical world and demonstrate his extraordinarily creative abilities. His work is inspiring for many designers and professional artists. Successful fashion accessories have been created modelled on Petr Kolář’s drawings. For more information go to His work as a non-professional artist can be included in the international style of art brut or outsider art.

You can see a sample of his work in the gallery. If you are interested in the author’s creations, contact the studio curator.

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